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The Baby Bobble Fresh Doll including the base of the doll is 5.8" tall and displays a reminder sign that says, "I Need You So Don't Forget Me. The base of the doll contains an air freshener unit that consist of a sliding drawer for placement of a single paper air freshener scent. The base contains three heart shaped vents in the front and sides of the base to release the aroma of the air freshener. The doll can be affixed to the dashboard of vehicles with a sticky pad, double sided tape or displayed in homes and offices.

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Product Details

The Baby Bobble Fresh Doll including the base of the doll is 5.8" tall and displays a reminder sign that says, "I Need You So Don't Forget Me. The base of the doll contains an air freshener unit that consist of a sliding drawer for placement of a single paper air freshener scent. The base contains three heart shaped vents in the front and sides of the base to release the aroma of the air freshener. The doll can be affixed to the dashboard of vehicles with a sticky pad, double sided tape or displayed in homes and offices.

Product Selling Benefits

The doll with its important sign acts as an ongoing reminder for parents and other adults to check for their children before departing vehicles or homes; it is multi purpose because it is an air freshener as well as a reminder bobblehead. It is inexpensive. The doll is available in Caucasian and African American but can be made available in other races and nationalities. Buyers can also have the doll created to include the likeness of their children but that is a higher cost than our low cost of $15.95. This doll makes a great gift for adults including parents, grandparents, caregivers and other professionals. There are other dashboard bobbleheads on the market but they contain a slot rather than a drawer for the air freshener. We are their first!

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Open to discussing any type of sales arrangement
Patent / IP Status:Patent[s] are pending
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:100 - 500
Suggested Retail Price:$18.95 To $19.99
Wholesale Price:N/A
Estimated Cost/Unit:N/A
Minimum Order/Units:100
Prior Sales Activity:This product has recently launched so we have sold 100 units through Ebay and Amazon.

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