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Platy-Foot Lifting Device

The Play-Foot lifting Device is a shoe/boot mounted plastic device used to help in the lifting of Wall board type materials, doors, and boxes off of the floor and into position for attachment to walls, door frames and in the case of boxes to alleviate the strain on the lower back during the initial lifting of the box..

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Product Details

The Play-Foot lifting Device is a shoe/boot mounted plastic device used to help in the lifting of Wall board type materials, doors, and boxes off of the floor and into position for attachment to walls, door frames and in the case of boxes to alleviate the strain on the lower back during the initial lifting of the box..

Product Selling Benefits

Reduces bending and lifting, and increases productivity

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Looking to sell-off Intellectual Property, inventory and/or assets
Patent / IP Status:Patent[s] are pending
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:1000+
Suggested Retail Price:$9.95 To $19.95
Wholesale Price:$6.00 To $9.00
Estimated Cost/Unit:$4.00 To $5.00
Minimum Order/Units:N/A
Prior Sales Activity:Sales to few individuals but mostly give away for demo purposes

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