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High Pheels

High Pheels (pronounced peels) are interchangeable skins for heels. High Pheels work with most existing pumps and help to increase the comfort of the heels without any shoe modification. To learn more visit highpheels dot com We have 10 different colors/patterns on our website, but have access to over 1k different colors/patterns.

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Product Details

High Pheels (pronounced peels) are interchangeable skins for heels. High Pheels work with most existing pumps and help to increase the comfort of the heels without any shoe modification. To learn more visit highpheels dot com
We have 10 different colors/patterns on our website, but have access to over 1k different colors/patterns.

Product Selling Benefits

Simple to use
No shoe modification
Increases comfort
Machine washable
Can manufacture one to match any outfit

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Open to discussing any type of sales arrangement
Patent / IP Status:Patent[s] are pending
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:100 - 500
Suggested Retail Price:$19.99 To $19.99
Wholesale Price:$9.99 To $9.99
Estimated Cost/Unit:$5.55 To $5.55
Minimum Order/Units:50
Prior Sales Activity:We have been in the market for about 2 months and have sold about 200 units to individuals through our website

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