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The Manetamer is a phenomenal new hat designed specifically for long hair. This unique creation secures all the hair in one piece without binding, flattening or disturbing the hair style while providing a stylish alternative to braids, scarves or unsightly hairnets. From sporting to industrial, it is the answer that billions of consumers have been searching for.

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Product Details

The Manetamer is comprised of three main parts. The bill, the band and the body. The bill is optional if wearing a helmet. The band is designed to fit around the hairline and is adjustable. The body is attached to the band with an opening from the top of the head down the length of the hair using snaps to close it once the wearers hair is in place. Choice of materials are limitless.

Product Selling Benefits

High demand.
New and Unique.
Very attractive and stylish.
Made in the USA
Protects the hair from wind and sun damage.
Extremely convenient and easy to wear.
Saves time and energy.
Prolongs weaves and saves money.
No competition.
Public appeal.
Gigantic market.
Numerous niche markets
Solves numerous problems.
Attracts consumers.
Anyone with long hair can attest to the frustration of encountering a windy situation and the damage caused either by the knotting itself or the process of removing the knots.

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Open to discussing any type of sales arrangement
Patent / IP Status:Utility patent issued
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:100 - 500
Suggested Retail Price:N/A
Wholesale Price:N/A
Estimated Cost/Unit:N/A
Minimum Order/Units:N/A
Prior Sales Activity:Production has just started. It is too early to give figures.

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