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Vegan Sweet Potato Sticky Buns

This product is like a cinnamon roll.

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Product Details

The product is vegan with no animal by products. It is mixed with organic with potatoes, made into a dough then rolled out and filled with butter, cinnamon, pecans, sugar and spices.

Product Selling Benefits

People love this product because it gives them just enough sweetness. The product is diabetic friendly and only 3 points on the weight watchers scale. An entire role is 100 calories, 4 grams of sugar, 14 grams of carbs and only 4 grams of sugar.

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Open to discussing any type of sales arrangement
Patent / IP Status:Copyright/Trademark
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:< 100
Suggested Retail Price:$5.99 To $6.39
Wholesale Price:$3.60 To $3.99
Estimated Cost/Unit:N/A
Minimum Order/Units:N/A
Prior Sales Activity:Products are being sold at several Whole Foods Markets, 1 Kroger, and another small local store since July of 2015....over 1500 units have been sold.

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