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Memory Drive Storage Organizer Case - Wood - 24 Slots

Memory Drive Storage Organizer Case - Wood - is a higher standard version, which includes closing lid with secure anti-static foam - where the memory/USB/SD drives can be stored securely, protecting the connector tips/electronic components and overall protection from dust in a transparent box. A set of sticky labels is included, sized perfectly to be placed under each unit stored in the box, which you can mark with the pen or pencil giving you an easy overview of what is stored on the each slot.

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Product Details

Memory Drive Storage Organizer Case - Wood - is a higher standard version, which includes closing lid with secure anti-static foam - where the memory/USB/SD drives can be stored securely, protecting the connector tips/electronic components and overall protection from dust in a transparent box.
A set of sticky labels is included, sized perfectly to be placed under each unit stored in the box, which you can mark with the pen or pencil giving you an easy overview of what is stored on the each slot.

Product Selling Benefits

Memory Drive Storage Organizer Case - Wood - is a higher standard version, which includes closing lid with secure anti-static foam - where the memory/USB/SD drives can be stored securely, protecting the connector tips/electronic components and overall protection from dust in a transparent box.
A set of sticky labels is included, sized perfectly to be placed under each unit stored in the box, which you can mark with the pen or pencil giving you an easy overview of what is stored on the each slot.

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Open to discussing any type of sales arrangement
Patent / IP Status:Patent[s] are pending
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:< 100
Suggested Retail Price:$99.99 To $109.99
Wholesale Price:$49.99 To $59.99
Estimated Cost/Unit:$35.00 To $40.00
Minimum Order/Units:N/A
Prior Sales Activity:The product is currently available for sale on Amazon, eBay, Bonanza, Etsy or directly via the website. Current sales are approximately 5-15 units per week.

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