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Liptiful Tools

This is a clay lip plumping and facial toning tool made by hand but looks very professional and almost like a resin product. It's a natural way to plump. It is safe due to its design and these days; anything related to lip suction needs to be safe. It is shallow and concave making it work perfectly to tone the jaw and build muscle in the lips. It can stick on perfect without needing to suck it on. We have sold this exact product for 3 years and many say it has helped their lip muscles grow just enough to add the fullness desired.

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Product Details

It is a small ceramic tool you put on the lips anytime you need to create circulation
or help the lips look healthier. People like the fact that it is not plastic and that it has an
elite feel. We have the capability to make any mold or look that someone orders. We are customizable and can add your name to your own lip tool easy. The Liptiful
tones the muscles in the face with ease. It is an anti-aging product that is so simple to use.

Product Selling Benefits

Liptiful can make your lips fuller like getting lip fillers. It can help your neck and jaw
tone up with simple exercises that we teach. The weight and design is what makes it work.

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Open to discussing any type of sales arrangement
Patent / IP Status:Patent[s] are pending
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:100 - 500
Suggested Retail Price:$32.99 To $35.99
Wholesale Price:$17.00 To $21.00
Estimated Cost/Unit:$2.00 To $3.00
Minimum Order/Units:20
Prior Sales Activity:We have sold to NG Inc, a seller on Amazon and they bought around 300 units this year. We have sold thousands since June 2014 to online consumers. After a
big youtube review in Dec 2015; we sold 4,000 units within that week and 600 units a month until the following October when sales declined due to the holidays and no more youtube reviews to speak of. We have 850 reviews on Etsy and thousands of sales listed there.

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