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Take a look at one of your prescription bottles. What does the medication do? Bet it is not stated on the label. Why is this? This is unacceptable. At least 1.5 million Americans are sickened, injured, or die each year from medication errors. Unfamiliarity with drug names, newly available pharmaceuticals, and similar packaging or labeling even compound this problem. MEDI-RING® has proven instrumental in reducing these errors. Your customers will have additional peace of mind knowing that they are taking the right medication as prescribed.

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Product Details

MEDI-RING® is a customizable ring that snaps onto medication bottles enabling people to write pertinent information on it in a language they understand, such as the condition for which it is intended, and any other helpful hints to ensure that the medicine is taken correctly.

Unfortunately, over 95% of dispensed medications DO NOT state why the medication is being used. Is it for memory? Infection? Blood pressure? The developer of the MEDI-RING® found this unacceptable. With over 3.5 BILLION prescriptions dispensed annually in the United States, this problem needs to be corrected.

MEDI-RING® is available in two sizes to fit the prescription bottles used in retail and mail-order pharmacies.

Product Selling Benefits

-Developed by a Pharmacist
-Snaps on and Stays Attached
-Increases Safety and Confidence
-Identify Medication at a Glance
-No Battery / No Programming
-Simple to Use

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Open to discussing any type of sales arrangement
Patent / IP Status:Utility patent issued
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:100 - 500
Suggested Retail Price:$5.99 To $6.99
Wholesale Price:$2.75 To $3.25
Estimated Cost/Unit:N/A
Minimum Order/Units:1000
Prior Sales Activity:Sold approximately 10,000 units over several years via many different avenues

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