MatchProduct - The Innovative Product Marketplace
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Buying on MatchProduct
What does it mean to buy on MatchProduct?
Buying on MatchProduct means utilizing our marketplace platform to find your company's next hit product to wholesale, license or acquire from the seller. Buyers are usually retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers, or infomercial companies looking for innovative, finished products. Sellers are typically inventors, entrepreneurs, or other companies.

Products listed on MatchProduct are limited to fully developed, finished goods; however, if your company is interested in reviewing patented inventions that are in the prototype or design stage, we can provide an ongoing source through our sister company InventionHome. Click to request free info.
How to find new products?
The easiest way to find new products is to register to recieve FREE product alerts from MatchProduct. Whenever a product is listed that meets the criteria defined by you, we will email a product alert, containing a product summary, directly to your inbox. We also support the product due diligence and contract negotiation processes.

You may also search for products directly on our website by utilizing our category search listings. There are no fees for buying products; the seller pays only a small commission.
Get Started Now!
To register for product alerts, click the "Sign Up Now" link and complete the "create your account" form. Be sure to select the Buyer Account radio button at the top of this form.