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Surface Skimmer™

This Swimming Pool Product can Skim and Clean a large portion of the swimming pool water surface and do it efficiently, effectively and helps the swimming pool user take back their leisure time around the use and enjoyment of the Swimming Pool. The Surface Skimmer™ is very efficient in removing surface debris from the water surface of the pool.

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Product Details

The Surface Skimmer™ is a bordered mesh. The top border (Webbing) contains a float. The side webbing has two grommets, one upper and one lower. The bottom webbing contains weights to help keep the mesh vertical. By using a rope and harness set up attached to the side webbing, the Surface Skimmer™ is pulled through the water by two people. The upper webbing collects surface debris such as pollen, dust, tiny insects and other debris on the swimming pools water surface. The mesh will catch other debris that slips slightly below the water surface.
For finer debris, it needs to be corralled and channeled to pool filter. Larger debris such as leaf , bugs, grass etc, can be lifted from the pool and discarded in an appropriate location, or channeled through the swimming pool skimmer basket and filter.

Product Selling Benefits

Assists in cleaning the swimming pool surface in significantly less time.
It is more effective, more efficient in removing surface debris from the water surface of the pool.
It literally gives back leisure time to the pool owners and users.
It is Light Weight.
It is easy to use for most people.
It is easy to clean.

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Open to discussing any type of sales arrangement
Patent / IP Status:Utility patent issued
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:1000+
Suggested Retail Price:$89.95
Wholesale Price:$44.95
Estimated Cost/Unit:N/A
Minimum Order/Units:1000
Prior Sales Activity:This is a new product. Sales and Marketing Channels are being explored now for sales.

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