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The Aquapod is a futuristic, one piece design plastic bottle water rocket launcher made of highly durable ABS plastic. It needs no assembly, just an ordinary bicycle pump, a bottle and water. The Aquapod launches ordinary plastic soda bottles up to 100 feet in the air and is the only launcher available with a built in solid brass check valve to prevent overpressurizing.

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Product Details

The Aquapod is a futuristic, one piece design plastic bottle water rocket launcher made of highly durable ABS plastic. It needs no assembly, just an ordinary bicycle pump, a bottle and water.
The Aquapod launches ordinary plastic soda bottles up to 100 feet in the air and is the only launcher available with a built in solid brass check valve to prevent overpressurizing.

Product Selling Benefits

Brand new product. No other product out there like it. Loads of fun for the whole family. Built in pressure release valve that no other product has.

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Open to discussing any type of sales arrangement
Patent / IP Status:Utility patent issued
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:1000+
Suggested Retail Price:$24.99 To $24.99
Wholesale Price:$10.50 To $15.00
Estimated Cost/Unit:N/A
Minimum Order/Units:80
Prior Sales Activity:Sales have increased ever since inception in October 2009. We have sold 16,000 units in 2.5 years and the interest is growing fast, both domestically and internationally, with distributors in 4 different countries.

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