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The CastCooler is a newly patented device that provides immediate relief for an itchy cast or splint. The CastCooler dries moist areas under your cast/splint without touching your skin. Keeping your cast's lining dry and cool is the best way to relieve an itching cast and reduce smelly cast odor. A dry lining stays fresh and inhibits bacteria growth...the source of odor and itch.

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Product Details

The CastCooler is a newly patented device that provides immediate relief for an itchy cast or splint. The CastCooler dries moist areas under your cast/splint without touching your skin. Keeping your cast's lining dry and cool is the best way to relieve an itching cast and reduce smelly cast odor. A dry lining stays fresh and inhibits bacteria growth...the source of odor and itch.

Product Selling Benefits

Until now, there has not been a solution to remove the moisture in your cast's lining. You were instructed to do your best to keep your cast dry. You may have been advised to use a plastic bag when bathing. However, the most common cause of moisture --perspiration-- is ever present. No matter how dry you try to keep your cast, until now, it was impossible. As your life moves on after your break, the CastCooler provides a solution to itch, odor and that uncomfortable cast! You will be amazed at how the CastCooler provides relief that you can feel immediately.

With the CastCooler you can have a cast or splint that is:

> Fresh and Clean! (no more stinky smell)

> Completely Free of itch

> Dry and Comfortable

By keeping your cast/splint lining free from moisture, especially moisture from perspiration, the conditions for bacteria growth are removed. Your cast stays clean and fresh. Itch and odor are not issues because you are removing the root cause of each...moisture.

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Open to discussing any type of sales arrangement
Patent / IP Status:Utility patent issued
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:1000+
Suggested Retail Price:$19.95 To $39.99
Wholesale Price:$7.00 To $12.70
Estimated Cost/Unit:$3.50 To $5.00
Minimum Order/Units:96
Prior Sales Activity:The CastCooler is available in 23 countries globally. CastCooler is produced entirely in the USA and ships globally every day from Colorado Springs, CO.

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