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Log Off™

Log Off™ addresses one of today's biggest problems faced by families and couples everywhere... we are too consumed with our media devices and its hurting our relationships with the ones we love. Log Off™ allows players to place their favorite media devices (cell phone, tablet, video game remote, etc.) into the Log Off™ box, close it, and draw a card with an activity listed. The players partake in the group activity, which ranges from 30 minutes to an hour or more.

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Product Details

Log Off™ addresses one of today's biggest problems faced by families and couples everywhere... we are too consumed with our media devices and its hurting our relationships with the ones we love. Log Off™ allows players to place their favorite media devices (cell phone, tablet, video game remote, etc.) into the Log Off™ box, close it, and draw a card with an activity listed. The players partake in the group activity, which ranges from 30 minutes to an hour or more.

Product Selling Benefits

Before there was Facebook, there was family time. Log Off™ brings that tradition back. Some call it a game, others call it a tool and some even call it the game that saved their family. Millions of families struggle with everyone being consumed by their cell phones, tablets and video games. In fact, this problem has become so widespread that leading publications like the New York Times have written articles about the problems technology can cause in our relationships.

Log Off™ allows players to "lock away" that device and have fun with loved ones partaking in the game's suggested activity of the day. Log Off™ comes in 4 versions: Young Family (children up to age 12), Teen Family (children up to 18), Couples (couples up to age 50), and Over 50. Every card features a main activity, but also lists alternates in the event the main activity does not work for the group.

With a sleek and retro design, Log Off™ can be left on a shelf even when not in use. The convenient carrying handle makes for easy transport to any area of the home, or even when traveling to a friend or relative's home.

Take charge in your family or relationship and bring back that quality time. Its easy to do with Log Off™!

Log off and live life!™

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Open to discussing any type of sales arrangement
Patent / IP Status:Patent[s] are pending
Inventory in Stock:Inventory has never been ordered
Number of Units in Stock:None
Suggested Retail Price:$10.00 To $15.00
Wholesale Price:$5.00 To $10.00
Estimated Cost/Unit:N/A
Minimum Order/Units:N/A
Prior Sales Activity:N/A

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