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ZipMyself is the Ultimate DIY solution to zipping your garments and buttoning with ease, without the help of anyone but yourself.

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Product Details

ZipMyself is the new modern day zipper puller and button helper. It can assist with zipping the back of a dress. ZipMyself works with invisible zippers, standard zippers. ZipMyself can also assist with standard shirt or blouse buttons. ZipMyself is perfect for those smaller collar or cuff buttons on a man's dress shirt. ZipMyself is lightweight, compact and ready for travel. ZipMyself is made from durable materials, has elegant looks, and a real value for the customer.

Product Selling Benefits

No more frustration with trying to zip the back of your dress.
Shop in your closet, wear dresses you haven't worn in years, due to zipper frustration.
Now you can wear the shirt or blouse of your choice. People who may have limited hand mobility would like to wear something other than a pull over shirt or blouse. ZipMyself is "Your Clothing's New Best Friend."

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Looking for distribution opportunities only (retailers, wholesalers)
Patent / IP Status:Patent[s] are pending
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:501 - 1000
Suggested Retail Price:N/A
Wholesale Price:N/A
Estimated Cost/Unit:N/A
Minimum Order/Units:100
Prior Sales Activity:We sell off of are website.
We also sell at vending events.
We have on local retail outlet selling our product.

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