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Easy and simple way to dry, retrieve, organize and store your clothes and less space and energy to dry more laundry called "Slide-N-Dry".

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Product Details

- The device includes hanging clothes holder / slots (total 16 slots)
- It is available in two sizes - wide and narrow model
- It includes two long neck hanging hooks that can rotate 360 degrees so it can hang the device in any direction.
- Use of the present invention eliminates time and effort of hanging the clothes. This device has 16 holding slots to hold any types of clothes without hangers, clips or clothespins. Simply slide the clothes in between each slot when you hang and simply pull out the dry clothes when you retrieve.
- You can transfer dry clothes conveniently from laundry room to your closet and use the device as an organizer and store clothes.
- Each slot is two inches apart to help air circulation between clothes and reduce dry time and reduce odor when you store.

Product Selling Benefits

1. Easy way to dry your clothes
2. Simply slide your clothes in between slots and hang with Slide-N-Dry
3. Utilize less space to dry more laundry
4. No clothespins or hangers needed
5. Slide-N-Dry is portable and transports your clothes easily from dryer to anywhere.
6. Use as quick storage and organizer for your clothes.
7. Less time and energy to hang your clothes
8. Easier way to retrieve your dry clothes
9. Holds up to 16 items
10. Patent Pending

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Looking for retail or wholesale companies to purchase direct from them
Patent / IP Status:Patent[s] are pending
Inventory in Stock:Inventory has never been ordered
Number of Units in Stock:None
Suggested Retail Price:$17.99 To $19.99
Wholesale Price:N/A
Estimated Cost/Unit:$5.90 To $6.10
Minimum Order/Units:5000
Prior Sales Activity:We sold about 250,000 units in last 3 years in Korea. Annual average is 100,000 / year.

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