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Erasable Book Bag

It's a book bag + art canvas + chalk markers combined.

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Product Details

The book bag, which comes with a FREE set of 8 color chalk markers, was invented by an 11-year old student that gives creative kids ( & adults) the freedom to doodle anytime, anywhere, and as often as they want. The doodle art on the bag transforms it into truly unique. Kids can show off, erase, and repeat. Being able to create a one-of-a-kind bag anytime boosts their self-confidence. Many studies have shown that doodling boosts creativity & memory. Creativity is an important ingredient for success. We need creativity to solve problems, to design things, and services... It is especially beneficial to kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Many a mom claimed that their kids are so calm and happy when they doodle & decorate their bags.

Product Selling Benefits

An art canvas on the front of the bag for doodling/drawing.
Wearable art therapy
Free set of 8 color chalk markers (non-toxic and safe for kids)
Fully functional book bag (backpack) with laptop & tablet sleeves, pens/pencils holder & a small pocket for phone or calculator...

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Open to discussing any type of sales arrangement
Patent / IP Status:None
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:100 - 500
Suggested Retail Price:$45.00 To $55.00
Wholesale Price:$28.00 To $32.00
Estimated Cost/Unit:$18.00 To $20.00
Minimum Order/Units:500
Prior Sales Activity:We have sold about 500 units of the current design bags so far. The price, cost above are for the new design bag which has more bells & whistles that are more user-friendly even to kids with special needs..

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