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Chick in a Basket

Our product is “Chick in a Basket”. It is the "Easter Bunny on the Shelf". An awesome bonus is that we have added Good Deeds to the concept but we call them Golden Deeds. We also thought it would be a fun idea to send the kids on a Secret Mission each day to find the hidden Golden Egg with the Golden Deeds. The bunny is a Secret Agent is known as Agent Chick. Each year he is sent by the Easter Bunny a dozen days before Easter to every girl & boy's house. Agent Chick is responsible for hiding the Magical Golden Egg each night.

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Product Details

Top Secret Basketcase includes Agent Chick, “Chick in a Basket” book, Magical Golden Egg, a manila marked “Mission Classified” containing: Secret Agent badges, calendar, 20 preprint Golden Deeds and 10 blank ones

Product Selling Benefits

1. Good Deeds aka Golden Deeds--builds a child's positive character.
2. Secret agent and Mission--We believe the children will be excited about this experience
3. Agent Chick's hat and jacket come off--opportunity to sell different apparel.
4. Also opportunities to sell more spy gear for Mission
5. Eye and hair brown so it could be taylored to different children's specific color in the future.

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Looking for retail or wholesale companies to purchase direct from them
Patent / IP Status:Copyright/Trademark
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:1000+
Suggested Retail Price:$19.99 To $24.99
Wholesale Price:N/A
Estimated Cost/Unit:$6.00
Minimum Order/Units:N/A
Prior Sales Activity:We just started this year and recently received our inventory.

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