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Food Product Lifting and Positioning Device

This product solves the problems associated with taking a turkey or other huge chunks of meat like ham or roast, out of a roasting pan, using other methods or gadgets. Problems such as burnt fingers or knuckles due to accidentally touching the hot food or hot cooking vessel surface, pieces or the tenderly cooked food product falling apart or worse yet dropping the food product during the lifting process.

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Product Details

This product solves the problems associated with taking a turkey or other huge chunks of meat
like ham or roast, out of a roasting pan, using other methods or gadgets. Problems such as burnt fingers or knuckles due to accidentally touching the hot food or hot cooking vessel surface, pieces or the tenderly cooked food product falling apart or worse yet dropping the food product during the lifting process.

Product Selling Benefits

This product is superior to other available alternatives today, because its patented design provides a better lateral support hence a more stable grasp of the food product, thereby allowing for a more convenient and safer way of lifting it, keeping it intact, without the risk of dropping it. It can also lift up to 40 lbs. or more -- definitely more (safe and stable) lifting capability than any other
similar-purpose gadget or device available out there today in the market.

Products Specs

Seller Objective:Looking to license Intellectual Property / Patent rights
Patent / IP Status:Utility patent issued
Inventory in Stock:In stock and available for sale
Number of Units in Stock:100 - 500
Suggested Retail Price:N/A
Wholesale Price:$9.95 To $10.95
Estimated Cost/Unit:N/A
Minimum Order/Units:N/A
Prior Sales Activity:None. Haven't put in the market so as not to interfere with my licensing agent's efforts to find me an interested licensee.

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